Cancellation Policy:

We understand that life can be a little hectic sometimes but we do require a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to cancel your appointment. We highly value your time and we do ask for the same in return.

  • Our consults are always free & complimentary but if you no-show or do not cancel with 48 hours’ notice there will be a charge of $25 per no-show and you will automatically be billed for this.

  • If treatment appointments are canceled with less than a 48-hour timeframe leading up to the appointment the client will be charged a 50.00 dollar fee for all treatments excluding a lip flip which will constitute a 25.00 fee.

  • If the treatment appointment is no-showed the same fees will be applied.

  • ReDefined also acknowledges that your time is valuable. If our clinic has to cancel or rebook your appointment we will extend the courtesy of offering the inverse to the above policy.

Thank you so much for understanding. Have a beautiful day!